Robusta Coffee Traders Bet on Lower Prices, Liffe Data Show
Money managers were betting on lower robusta coffee prices in London last week, reversing a bet on higher values the previous seven weeks, according to data from NYSE Liffe.
Net-short positions, or bets prices will fall, came to 6,251 contracts as of Oct. 25, data on the exchange’s website today show. That compares to net-long positions, or bets on higher prices, of 2,256 contracts as of Oct. 18, the data show. Money managers have been reducing their net long bets since the reports started on Sept. 6.
Robusta coffee for January delivery fell 2.1 percent from Oct. 18 to Oct. 25 before a bigger harvest in Vietnam, the world’s largest producer of the bitter beans. Output there may be a record 22 million bags, Volcafe, the coffee unit of commodities trader ED&F Man Holdin
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